Add Speed Training to Your Running Routine to Maximize Gains

Speed training in running is a type of training that focuses on improving the speed and quickness of a runner’s movements. This type of training can be done through a variety of methods, including interval training, hill sprints, and plyometrics.

One of the main benefits of speed training in running is that it can help to improve a runner’s overall running speed. By regularly incorporating high-intensity intervals into their training regimen, runners can challenge their muscles to work harder and faster. This can lead to an increase in muscle power, which can ultimately lead to a faster running pace.

In addition to improving running speed, speed training can also help to improve a runner’s endurance. According to a study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, runners who incorporate speed training into their training routine were able to run for longer periods of time at a faster pace.

Speed training can also improve a runner’s overall running form. By focusing on quick and efficient movements, runners can learn to run with better posture, which can lead to a more efficient stride. This can ultimately help to reduce the risk of injury and improve overall running performance.

Another benefit of speed training is that it can help to prevent boredom and burnout. By regularly incorporating high-intensity intervals into their training regimen, runners can break up the monotony of traditional steady-state cardio, which can make their training more enjoyable and increase adherence to their training regimen.

Speed training in running is a great way to improve running speed, endurance, and form. It can also help to prevent boredom and burnout. Runners looking to improve their overall running performance should consider incorporating speed training into their training regimen.


  • Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, “The effect of speed training on endurance and running performance”
  • American Council on Exercise, “Speed Training: The Ultimate Guide”

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