Staying Hydrated is Vital, 5 reasons to increase your water intake

Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. Our bodies are made up of 60% water, and it plays a vital role in many of our body’s functions. Here are five benefits of staying hydrated:

  1. Improves Physical Performance: According to a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, even mild dehydration can negatively impact physical performance. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining energy levels, endurance, and muscle function.
  2. Aids in Digestion: Drinking enough water can help prevent constipation and promote regular bowel movements. Water also helps to soften stools and make them easier to pass.
  3. Helps with Weight Management: Drinking water can help with weight management by increasing feelings of fullness and decreasing calorie intake. According to a study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, drinking water before meals can lead to a decrease in overall calorie consumption.
  4. Improves Skin Health: Adequate hydration can improve the appearance of skin by making it look plump and glowing. It can also help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  5. Helps to regulate body temperature: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, water plays an important role in regulating body temperature, especially during physical activity and hot weather.

It is recommended that adults drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to stay hydrated. Keep in mind that the amount of water needed can vary depending on factors such as age, sex, weight, and activity level. Additionally, certain foods and drinks, such as fruits and vegetables, can also contribute to your daily water intake. It is important to pay attention to your body’s signals of thirst and make sure you are drinking enough water.


  • Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, “The effect of fluid restriction on hydration status and subjective feelings of thirst”
  • Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, “The effects of increased water intake on total daily energy expenditure and hunger”
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Stay Cool, Stay Hydrated”

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